Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Fat and Fuzzy Show

Overall, it was good! Pretty cold the whole day, and as always with the location where the show was held, super super sandy and windy. My hat tried to get away from me at least three times, and my hair (which started out awesome!) doesn't feel so clean anymore. XD

Anyway, there were two modifiers to this show that made how Angel and I got scored worse than usual. I still consider it a good show, however, because it was an excellent practice (or schooling) show for both Angel and myself.

The first reason was that there were some top-notch mini people and mini horses there. And by top-notch, I don't necessarily mean the best. I mean, the type that's very very very slender and Arab-y and most people consider that's how minis should be. IMO, it can go either way. There are some things that you can do with a stronger built horse that you can't do with some weird horse-looking exotic specimen!

As I was saying though, some people brought about 4 slender, in shape, minis that were fully clipped. The reason we didn't clip the minis (other than their heads and fetlocks) was because it's still too cold for them. Another purpose (a more minor one, though) was that the show is named Fat and Fuzzy for a reason: It's fine to bring horses that are both fat and fuzzy and you won't be judged on that.

So, anyway, these people brought four of their super Arab-y little minis, and yeah, they were pretty! However, it was pretty obvious that the owners bred them for their beauty. Not their attitude. Apparently there were quite a few times when the little things were trying to bite at and be rude to their handlers!

The second thing that altered the show for it again has to do with the name and purpose of the show. I really don't think the judge should have been judging horses for being fat or fuzzy. But she was. Yes, yes, I know the first few classes Angel and I both messed up. However, we also had really good classes, and we didn't get placed at all...well, with the exception of being placed third in a class of three horses, and second in a class of two horses.

*shrugs* Ah well. Not every judge is perfect. She was nice and smiley though, and did actually give me advice on lunging after that class! It was really nice of her; not many judges will come and discuss how you can personally improve your performance/training with you, so that was cool.

So, that's that. Angel and I got the second and third I mentioned previously, and it's been a long day! A good training day for both of us as well. One thing that pretty much made my day was when a well-respected lady trainer was passing Angel and I as I was leading her to the arena with a lunge rope coiled in one hand, and the lunge whip in the other hand. She just started smiling this huge smile at us and she was like, "That's just so cute! *:D*". It was really cool. A bit after that I passed her again, and she didn't say anything, but she just smiled at us. XD That was cool.

Well, it's probably time for me to go do dishes. Tired from getting up at 4:11 lol.


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