Monday, April 1, 2013

Jaw Bone Pieces!

Or, technically, mandible pieces.

Last Saturday, we (MiniOwner, her mom, and I) spent a couple hours tightening up fences over at the second barn. It was somewhat boring, but all the wire is fixed up and ready to hold horses whenever we need. All of the second barn's fencing is smooth wire, and it is nice! It doesn't take too much maintenance, and it's really easy to slip through between the wires.

We were most of the way done fixing fence when we found a (separated) pair of mandibles - also known as lower jaws. They are somewhat falling apart and not in the best condition, but when I asked if I could have them both adults agreed to it!

Anyway, so now I have the pair of jaw bones, a segment of an upper jaw (with beautiful teeth on it!), and one giant horse tooth! I know some (like my sisters :P) will think it's disgusting and just gross to touch bones from a long-gone horse, but as I never knew the horse, I think it's kinda cool.

Once I got the bones home I got them into our larger, more-of-a-work-type sink and cleaned them as well as I could with a work toothbrush and warm water. And it's merely a coincidence that I was cleaning horse teeth with a toothbrush. :P

Anyway, here are some pictures!

EDIT: Also, sorry about the early publishing! :P I had scheduled it to publish yesterday, on Monday, thinking that I would have the pictures on by then. Well, of course I waited until now to get the pictures! Regardless, here they are. :)

One of the mandibles.
One of the mandibles.
The other side of the same lower jaw piece.
The other side of the same lower jaw piece. 
Some teeth!
Some teeth!
The other lower jaw (mandible) piece!
The other lower jaw (mandible) piece! 
The top of the mandible.
See the little whole? If you put water through it, the water comes out the tip end of the thing.
Reverse side of same lower jaw.
Reverse side of same lower jaw. 
The top of same jaw.
The top.
A huge tooth!
Giant tooth!
Part of what we think is the upper jaw.
Inside part of what we think is the upper jaw.
Outside of supposed upper jaw.
Outside of supposed upper jaw.

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