Thursday, March 14, 2013

Another Busy Day

Today was another good, yet busy, day at the stables! I got there earlier than usual (and Mom offered to do my lunch chore for me; thanks!), and we picked out two stalls in the lower barn. After that, BoarderLady and I got to take Ruger (a miniature yearling colt) and Echo (a miniature yearling filly) out to the pen so we could clean their stall. They stayed outside while we stripped both their stall and Warrior's stall, and were quite a sight with all their happy playfulness. :)

I will say, though, that their personalities were quite different. Ruger is a good little fellow in the training, and his slight laziness won't make him run away with you. Echo, on the other hand, reminds me slightly of Angel Eyes when she was younger. Also known as! Echo has a big temper, and likes to throw tissy fits that involve her making the handler (in this case, it was BoarderLady) end up on the ground, and end with Echo on her side for about 5 minutes. Anyway, hopefully Echo will turn out fine, albeit eventually.

Echo is the gold champagne nearer to the cell phone camera, Ruger is the silver dapple and white.
They have a cute trot. :)
A slightly better look at Ruger
After that, MiniOwner, BoarderLady, and I got in the awesome silver Chevvy pickup and headed over to the second barn (yes, I know it's confusing. One of these days I'll write up a post with a map-like diagram of the barns!). Once there, we got out the cart, a couple garden rakes, and a couple pickers. We then commenced to raking all the dried horse apples in one of the pens into piles, using the pickers to dump them in the cart, and then using the cart to transport them to the dumping hill.

A fairly quick process, and we're almost done cleaning that pen! Which is good, because the horse I'll have is coming this Saturday afternoon. :D

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