Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Show Results

Angel did fantastic at the show last weekend! There were two judges per class, and in two of the classes she got first by both judges. We came back with two glasses, a hoof pick, and a fancy body brush. :)

We entered five classes: *AOB Halter, Miniature Halter, *Adolescent Lunge Line, Adolescent Trail, and Miniature Obstacle-in-Hand.

*AOB = All Other Breeds (basically open to any breeds)
*Adolescent = Horses of 3 or less years

Angel only was mediocre in the halter classes on Saturday morning. It wasn't that she had bad conformation, but that she didn't want to stand still after being squared up.

In lunge line a bit later that day, she got first by both judges! There were two other contestants, both respectable horsewomen with their yearlings.

The purpose of lunge line is to have your horse's gaits judged, as well as to see how well you lunge your horse. Here are a couple reasons I think Angel placed first.
  1. Not just her, but none of the horses walked as they were supposed to.
  2. There was plentiful slack in the rope between Angel and I.
  3. One of the other horses broke into a gallop instead of a canter.
  4. I didn't jerk on the rope to slow her.
  5. I stayed in one spot the whole time.
Now, I'm not saying I'm better than the other two ladies. It's more that I work on lunging Angel for good amounts of time twice each week, and she has learned to lunge well. Regarding the last point, I think that may have made a big difference. When I lunge Angel at the stables, there's a certain rock I set one of my boots on, and the boot doesn't move from it. Both Angel and I have gotten used to lunging in that manner, and I think it made our presentation more professional.

On Sunday morning Angel and I had trail classes, and in the adolescent class she took both firsts! That was epic. She didn't do so well in the following class, but I'm still proud of her. :)

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