Friday, May 10, 2013

Clipping on Angel

Today I was able to do a couple things for the first time ever!

First, MiniOwner showed me how to do a bridle path on Buster (he's one of the best to learn on for stuff like this!), and then I finished up most of it. A bridle path is a clipped section of mane that's closest to the head. Usually for a Western-style horse, the length of the bridle path is the length of the horse's ear. For English and driving horses, it's about the length of the ear and a half (so ear x 1.5).

Anyway, it was really easy. I didn't do the hard parts (right next to the forelock and right next to the longer mane), but it was good that I learned. :)

Bridle path on Angel Eyes
That (where the front section of mane is clipped) is a bridle path.
The second thing I learned was how to body clip! Even though this is my second year of being around the stables, I had never done it (mainly because it is somewhat complex and Angel used to throw a HUGE fit about being clipped).

I was using the variable clippers, which can be set for different speeds. They were pretty heavy and big, but it actually was pretty easy! At first when MiniOwner was showing me how to do it, we had to cover Angel's eye on that side to keep her from freaking out. After a while, though, I just did my thing and she was really good about it. :)

The main thing when clipping is to clip with the hair, and try to keep it streamlined. Luckily for me, I was just performing the draft for the final clipping (which I won't be doing). I did a pretty good job for my first time on her barrel and hindquarters, but her flanks were tricky.

Also, no, I'm not done clipping her. It's just that I only had 40 or so minutes this morning and I didn't have time to finish. Tomorrow morning, though, the plan is to finish clipping her. :)

Anyway, here are the pictures. :)

Angel's unclipped side
The un-clipped side.
Angel's clipped side
Her side. At least when she's outside, the streaks aren't quite so noticeable! 
Angel's back
Isn't the difference in coloring (for both the brown and the countershading dorsal stripe) interesting? :)
This is where I could've been a bit more careful!
Toy Toy after MiniOwner's clipping :)
Toy Toy after MiniOwner's clipping :)
Angel Eyes standing and looking cute! :)
She is so cute. :)

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