Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Digging out the Watercolors

A friend had a birthday recently and I decided I'd make her a really simple horse card. It took 4 versions, but I finally got the horse's look right. :)

The eye color isn't that of your average horse, but I was basing this off a palomino stud I know. He's got amber eyes, a stripe down his face, and does have red-gold highlighted mane and steel dust jowls. This representation of him is a bit refined (it looks more like a mare than a stud; a Morgan than a QH), but perhaps a future revision will be more accurate.

The scanner didn't quite capture the true color, and the muzzle is shaped a little oddly when you think about it, but I'm pleased with this horse. I'm still awful at drawing whole horses, but at least I can do the heads. :)


  1. Well done horse head. With a fine brush and deeper blacks/browns, perhaps you can try putting lashes on the eyes. A technique called wash might help make the eye more liquid.

    1. Thank you! And, I've considered doing eyelashes have no clue how to make them look like actual eyelashes. :) Thank you for the suggestions, Karl!

    2. Wow! You are a home-schooled teen and a wiki admin? Very not bad. I've only done minor edits and fact checks on predominantly military articles but nowhere near as prolifically as you. Hat's off to you.

    3. Awww, thanks :D And, cool! Which wiki were you editing? If you join wikiHow I can show you around the site and stuff. :)

  2. I am a wandering editor in Wikipedia, the best thing since the invention of the printing press. I've seen wikiHow and I find it very useful. However, I find the prospect of joining it quite daunting. For example, there is quite a number articles about watercolors already posted there. Looking for something unique to discuss (something which I know intimately) will be a challenge. But alright, I'll take you up on your offer when I summon the courage to write something. Thank you, Ms Zita.

    1. Ah, okay! And, wikiHow's pretty easy :) There's lots that can be done without writing an actual article. You said you do minor edits and fact checks on articles? There are a lot of wikiHow articles that could use that.

      Anyway, yeah! Just let me know if you join. My username's IsabelleZita
