Thursday, December 6, 2012

Umm, wait a second....

So, I was going to write a blog post here about horses. Except, I'm not sure what to write about horses. I mean, they're great and all, but wasn't I superbly busy? That I was, and still am. Ah well, may as well say something here.

So, around Thanksgiving weekend I saved a miniature filly, and possibly from death (let's hope not, though). I was at the stables, showing some relatives around the place. It just so happened that the owners had left to go eat, and I found Echo, a miniature palomino filly had gotten her hind leg stuck in the fence.

It almost looked like her leg was woven in between the wire, and I kinda doubt she could have gotten out of it by herself. So, actually knowing what to do, I grabbed onto her muddy little hoof and got her un-stuck. It was actually quite easy, and I'm really grateful it was calm little Echo, not the wayyyy rowdier (and older/bigger) colts.

And, that was that. Other than having kinda dirty hands, I felt really good about it. :) I like saving horses.

Also, if you peel a fair mass of carrots, please, instead of tossing the peelings in the trash, just find some horses to give them to. :) They'll enjoy them, I'm sure, and never once have I heard of a horse that was allergic to carrots.

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