Saturday, June 8, 2013

Some Pictures of the Mini Girls

Here are some pictures of Toy Toy and Angel the day before (or was it the day of?) Pawnee's birth. They're both pretty cute, and I didn't realize till looking at these pictures that Toy does have facial markings, and possibly carries some splash (note her star, stripe, and snip). Or, maybe she just has markings and doesn't carry any pinto alleles. Ah well, time may tell. :)

Hindquarter-view of two miniature horses
Pretty tails.
Two miniature horse mares eating.
Nom nom. 
Palomino and bay pinto miniature mares
"Oh hi!" says Toy Toy.
Toy, a palomino miniature mare
Hi, do you have any treats for me this morning?
Angel Eyes, a bay pinto palomino mare headshot
Now it's Angel's turn to say hi!
Angel Eyes the bay pinto miniature mare walking away
"Darn," Angel thinks, "she didn't give me any treats."
Two miniature mares munching on breakfast hay
I like Angel's thin muzzle. It's cute. (:

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